Getting Started

EtheirysAPI is a small but powerful REST API to retrieve Final Fantasy XIV Online data in JSON format. You can easily fetch information performing a GET request to any of the available endpoins.

Download the OpenAPI specification

Using the API

To use the API simply send a GET request to your desired endpoint. Paginated endpoints allow the use of specific query parameters to filter the returned data, note that the query value you provide must be the same type as the described, otherwise you will recieve a 400 Bad Request.

Rate limit

You may do a max of 15 request per second. Exceeding this limit will cause the API to answer with a 429 Too Many Requests and no body.

Danger sign

Please be mindful of your API usage. Most of the data served doesn't change very often so you can just cache it based on its Cache-Control header.

Danger sign

Don't query the entire API! If you need the full database please consider using other methods to obtain the data or contact us to help you find a solution.

Error handling

When an error happens the API will return a ProblemDetails response detailing the issue.